
Online access to your library account allows you to:

  • view library material currently checked out or overdue
  • view due dates for library material
  • renew library material
  • request library material that is checked out or at another branch
  • view the status of your requests
  • view fees owing
  • change your Personal Identification Number (PIN)

How do I log in?

  • Go to My Account and log in using your library barcode and PIN.
  • Your library barcode is located on the front of your library card and is 14 digits long.
  • In most cases, your PIN is the last four digits of your telephone number.
  • Please contact your local library if you do not remember your PIN.

If you cannot log in, please note that if your telephone number has changed, it is possible that your PIN is still the last four digits of your previous number.

Last Update

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2022     Views: 23011

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