
OverDrive is one of our Digital Library Services. Through it we offer eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines.

There are many ways to access the OverDrive collection and borrow items from it. The OverDrive guide outlines three ways that library customers can access OverDrive’s content directly through OverDrive. (Three additional options exist, as described in this FAQ, but they are indirect ways to access OverDrive content.)

One way to access the OverDrive collection and borrow items from it is through its app. OverDrive's 1st generation app (the "blue icon" app) existed for more than a decade. It was discontinued at the end of April 2023. OverDrive's 2nd generation and only app to use is called Libby.  


Can I still use the OverDrive website?

Yes, you can continue to browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the library's OverDrive website


Can I sync my OverDrive wish list(s) to the Libby app?

Yes. If you created wish lists in OverDrive's 1st generation app or OverDrive library websites, you can automatically import them into the Libby app as an OverDrive wish list smart tag. Learn more through the Libby Help site.


Can I continue to transfer books to my Kobo?

Yes. If you have an older Kobo you can download eBooks from the library's OverDrive website and Libby website to a computer and then use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer them to your Kobo.

Newer Kobo devices (e.g., Kobo Sage, Libra 2, Clara HD, Elipsa, Forma, Libra H2O, Nia, Aura Edition 2, Aura H2O Edition 2, and Aura ONE) allow you to browse and borrow OverDrive eBooks directly in the device. They will continue to work this way.


Can I download audiobooks to a desktop computer using OverDrive for Windows and OverDrive for Mac?

Library customers who already have OverDrive for Windows or OverDrive for Mac can continue using them. However, OverDrive stopped supporting new downloads of OverDrive for Windows and OverDrive for Mac in February 2022. 

OverDrive has no plans to build support in Libby for downloading audiobooks to a desktop computer and transferring them to an MP3 player.


For more information:

Visit Libby Help to learn about the Libby app and get started on your mobile device. If you need additional support, please contact Winnipeg Public Library's OverDrive Frontline Tech Support for tech-related OverDrive questions.

Last Update

Last Updated: May 25, 2023     Views: 4926

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    Comments (14)

    1. The old Overdrive e app is 1000 times easier to use and is much more users friendly. The Libby app feels as though it is designed by and for computer engineers!
      by MAM on Dec 08, 2022
    2. How can we users make you reconsider the stopping of OVERDRIVE? It is so much better and comprehensive than Libby!
      by E Martinez on Dec 09, 2022
    3. Hi E Martinez, We know that a lot of people are going to miss the OverDrive app. It is OverDrive itself and not the Winnipeg Public Library that is discontinuing it. If you like, reach out to us at (in this case, ignore the instruction to use OverDrive support instead) if there's something you can't do on Libby that you miss from OverDrive and we'll see if we can help you or get OverDrive to change. -Mike
      by Mike@WPL on Jan 18, 2023
    4. I have a few questions about the replacement of OverDrive with Libby. Your help is appreciated. Will I still be able to listen to audiobooks offline? I am often in remote areas or traveling on a plane with no streaming access (no cellphone service or wifi). I also have friends who are $$-strapped and cannot afford internet or large data plans. They, too, will want to listen to audiobooks offline.. Using OverDrive, I can transfer audiobooks to my mom's mp3 player that is specially designed for people with dementia. She (and others like her) are unable to manipulate an app on a device. This special mp3 player allows her to independently start and stop the audiobook. Will I still be able to accommodate her needs with Libby? Thank you for any information you can share.
      by Ticia on Jan 21, 2023
    5. Overdrive allows me to change the margins on ebooks - which Libby does not. As I read on my smartphone having small or no margins makes best use of the space available on the smaller screen. Also Overdrive's graphical user interface is simpler and uncluttered - which is valuable to my Autistic brain. The Libby GUI is too bright, has too many symbols instead of words (and are not the same symbols familiar from Overdrive), and although I have learned to use it, the experience is unpleasant. If there was another way to borrow ebooks from my library, I would neither choose Libby nor recommend Libby to any of my Autistic friends.
      by Lanita on Feb 05, 2023
    6. No one seems to know if library will still offer the ability to download books in MP3 format or if that audible choice for download be removed all-at-once in April 2023, rendering my mp3 player useless through libraries? Will this be the case? Or... will downloads stay status quo but library will not add addition mp3 formatted books and the format will expire on books as lending contracts with Overdrive expire, hence removing mp3 format download option gradually? By the way, Libby doesn't hold a candle to mp3 format. You can't download a book in sections. It doesn't save your place and it's frustrating to even find the book on your device. I don't believe I'll use it. And who wants to spend 15 bucks a month on Audible! Thanks so much for listening. Pam
      by Pam on Feb 22, 2023
    7. Hi Pam and Ticia, The switch to Libby will not affect MP3 downloads of audiobooks. The software used to download them will continue to work. However, it is clear that OverDrive (driven by the book publishers) is moving away from MP3 downloads. The software required to get the MP3s is no longer available for download and I expect that, eventually, they will turn off the feature. For the time being, it should continue to work! -Mike@WPL
      by Mike@WPL on Feb 24, 2023
    8. Hi Lanita, I'll pass on your comments to OverDrive. In the meantime, there are some settings that might improve your experience. 1) With regard to Libby being too bright, I don't know if you mean in or out of the reading experience. If out, Libby will go into dark mode if that is what your device is set to. If in, you can change the text settings to sepia (not as bright) or dark (white text on black). There is also a setting under Accessibility to have the colours not change with the book cover, being more consistent. 2) With regard to unlabeled icons, there is a setting under "Customize Navigation" to show text labels under the icons. This is, unfortunately, limited to the bar at the bottom of the app. I know that that won't fix everything, but I do hope that it helps. -Mike@WPL
      by Mike@WPL on Feb 24, 2023
    9. I'm an audiobook junkie and have relied on a tiny mp3 player for over a decade. Listening on my phone is not an option. It's big and I seldom have a pocket. It doesn't support wired earbuds and Bluetooth buds I can afford don't stay charged and have weak signals. I'm an eBook junkie and listen for an average of six to eight hours a day, sometimes more. I average four or five titles a week. Suddenly the option of listening to eBooks have been taken away from me as the Windows Desktop Overdrive app just quit working. Libby does not support transfers. I lose. My library loses support. I'm howling with grief!
      by Ritergeek on Mar 06, 2023
    10. Hallelujah. After my Overdrive Desktop app hit a dead end yesterday, Overdrive support came to the rescue with this link to a still functioning version: Even if you don't need it today, download it and file it away somewhere safe in case your computer crashes or someone else needs it later. And cross your fingers that Overdrive will continue to drag their heels and even reconsider pulling the plug on this valuable app that lets us transfer audiobooks to tiny little MP3 players!
      by Ritergeek on Mar 07, 2023
    11. I guess I will be visiting the library to borrow hard copy books May first since you need to be connected to the internet to read with Libby. Useless.
      by Nancy Gobson on Mar 27, 2023
    12. Hi Nancy, While you do need internet access to get your book to your device with Libby, you don't need it to read the book. Contact us at for individual help getting this working. Mike@WPL
      by Mike@WPL on Mar 29, 2023
    13. Overdrive beats the Libby app fingers down! Finding titles, sorting, titles, suggesting titles; not to mention easy of use and appearance. Bring back overdrive.
      by sadden on Apr 02, 2023
    14. @sadden, We will share your feedback with OverDrive, but the switch to the Libby app is not under Winnipeg Public Library's control.
      by Mike@WPL on May 15, 2023
