
If you are on the Library catalogue site and see the following message when trying to request an eBook (Adobe EPUB) or Audiobook (MP3, OverDrive Listen):

There was a problem placing your hold. Please try again later or contact your library for assistance.
Invalid content in response.

it means your Library card has expired.


Please contact us using our Ask Us! service for help having your card renewed.


Last Update

Last Updated: Oct 14, 2023     Views: 25566

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    Comments (9)

    1. I believe my library card is expired. Is there a way to renew it now? (with all the branches closed because of COVID-19)
      by Eleanor on Mar 26, 2020
    2. Hi Eleanor! All cards with an expiry date between January 1 - September 29, 2020 have been changed to expire September 30, so that access to online resources will not be lost. Please contact us through Ask Us for account help if your card expired before January 1, 2020. Thanks!
      by Reegan @ Winnipeg Public Library on Jun 03, 2020
    3. according to your files, I am told that my librry card has expired so I cannot respond to the book on hold for me. Please advise, Shirley Layne
      by shirley on Jul 26, 2020
    4. My card does not show any expiry date yet says my card has expired. What's the deal with this?
      by Karen on Aug 06, 2020
    5. Hi Karen, All Winnipeg Public Library memberships expire after 3 years. To reactivate it simply visit any branch with your identification. See this FAQ for more information:
      by Mike@WPL on Aug 17, 2020
    6. Hi Shirley, If this isn't resolved already, visit a branch with your identification. See this FAQ for more information:
      by Mike@WPL on Aug 17, 2020
    7. You renewed my membership but I still cannot download. Veldhuis , 670 beaverbrook
      by Atze veldhuis on Jan 21, 2022
    8. Hi I cannot access my account. My pin is not working. What can I do. Erin
      by Erin Saunders on Jun 08, 2022
    9. Hi Erin and Veldhuis, We're sorry for the delay, these comments are not monitored as often as our help line. Please use the "Ask Us" link ( ) in the FAQ answer to reach library staff.
      by Mike@WPL on Jul 06, 2022
