
No, tablet devices like an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy cannot be used to transfer eBooks to an eInk device like a Kobo Nia/Clara HD/Libra H20/Forma.

To transfer a Library eBook to an eInk device, you need to use software that can package up and send the book and the invisible "permission slip" that was sent to your computer when you borrowed the book from the library. The only programs that has the ability to do this is Adobe Digital Editions. This requires that you download the file to your desktop or laptop computer and copy the book to the eReader via USB cable. 

There is a version of Adobe Digital Editions available for iPads (via the app store) but that app only allows you to receive and read eBooks; it does not include any functions that allow you transfer those books to another device.

People have asked whether they would be able to download and manually copy the eBook to their Kobo if they went ahead and purchased a USB adapter for their iPad; the answer is no, because if you copy the eBook file from one device to another without the software that knows how to package up the required "permission slip" file, the file will refuse to open on the new device (you'll get an error message saying something like "Failed to open; file is not authorized).


Last Update

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2021     Views: 10663

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    Comments (2)

    1. I have found a way to transfer books from my android phone and my android tablet to my Kobo Libra wirelessly but I am sure it will work with any other Kobo however you do need to downloaded the (free) app HFS (Http File Server by vortexinfinitum) from the Play Store to your android device and give the app access / permission. On opening the HFS app it gives you an address (which is the same address each time for that device). Then, leaving the app open on your android device, open the Kobo web browser *** and type in the address from the HFS app as if it is a URL and click on GO. Your Kobo now has access to your android device. Just find the book you wish to transfer (mine can be found in my Downloads folder) and tap on it. Kobo will then ask if you wish to download the file (which you do so continue) and once downloaded voila the book is now on your Kobo. You can only transfer / download one book at a time but you do not need a computer to transfer the book from your android device to your Kobo. I have actually saved the address from the HFS app as a Favourite in my Kobo web browser as it is the same address each time for that device. Each device uses a different address so I have in fact two Kobo web browser Favourites; one for my phone and one for my tablet! *** On the Kobo Libra to open the web browser from the home page click on More / Beta Features / Web Browser / Start. Happy reading, Hilary
      by Hilary on Jul 28, 2021
    2. Hi Hilary, We're glad you found a solution that works for you. For library eBooks on newer Kobos with wireless, we'd suggest using the built-in OverDrive connectivity on those Kobos.
      by Mike@WPL on Jul 06, 2022
